Friday, January 29, 2010

In a nutshell what people are like and what people want

The choleric person has a strong personality and wants control. The sanguine person has a bright personality and wants fun. The melancholy person is sensitive and wants perfection. The phlegmatic person will follow to achieve peace. 

“Design addresses itself to the need.” Charles Eames
Choleric achiever wants control
The achiever (choleric) and the talker (sanguine) tend to be extroverts and optimists. The easy going one (phlegmatic) and the deep thinker (melancholy) tend to be introverts and pessimists. Choleric and melancholy people are task orientated and the sanguine and phlegmatic tend to be people orientated.   

How can this information help you sell your design ideas?
If we understand what people are like and what they want we can tailor our design presentations into a sellable package. Choleric’s like a quick outline of the design ideas don’t bog them down with details. It pays to refer back to their suggestions. The melancholy person likes detailed comprehensive plans, they want to know everything. They like graphs and time lines. Be prepared to answer questions.

A sample board created at Sample Board Online will appeal to the achiever, talker and phlegmatic

Phlegmatic easy going one wants peace
The phlegmatic and sanguine like to be treated with friendliness and treated as a personal friend. Make sure the presentation is presented in a light easy way. Be prepared to reassure the phlegmatic they often need to be reassured. They prefer statements with ‘we’ instead of you or ‘i’. They like to think they are working as part of a team.

Sanguine talker wants fun
With the sanguine it pays to keep the presentation fun and interesting. They can get bored with the details. They respond well to images. They tend to make impulsive choices.  Choleric are decisive and make quick decisions. If there is a problem they prefer to know as soon as possible. It is important to have a solution to the problem before approaching them. They dislike long stories as to how the problem occurred.  

The detailed specification sheet created with the sample board at Sample Board Online will appeal to the melancholy 

Melancholy deep thinker wants perfection     
With the melancholy if there is a problem they like to know all the details. Why this problem occurred. They need a detailed account of how you are going to solve this problem. The phlegmatic and sanguine will respond to an honest friendly approach when problems occur. It pays to earn their trust by creating relationship and to keep their trust in the same. 

Last year I worked on a design project with a couple with different personality styles. This is not unusual.  The gentleman was a choleric and lady a melancholy. This meant the gentleman wanted short meetings with quick outlines. The lady wanted detailed information about the project. I over came this problem by having short appointments with the gentleman and lady. Then I would give the lady a written detailed report. This worked very well.

I hope this mini series on the personalities has been of some benefit. It is a fascinating topic. The information can be helpful as a guide to human relations. There is always something new to discover in the wonderful world of people and design. I know I never stop learning. 

I’ll finish this blog with a wee joke. My family has lived in Australia for over 30 years. Ever few months my Dad would received a copy of the magazine Ireland’s Own. I love to read it. It is full of stories, words of songs and jokes.

Boss to secretary: ‘I know you can’t get married on the wages I pay you, but someday you’ll thank me for it’ 

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What People Want

Designers find out what people want. Some want fun, some want peace, some want perfection and some want control. Find out who wants what.

Over the years I have worked out my own little systems to help me understand and remember the different personalities. I have given the four main personality types a colour. To me red represents the choleric person dominant and active. Yellow represents the sunny personality of the sanguine. Blue reminds me of the deep thinking melancholy. Green represents to me of the laid back steady phlegmatic.

Choleric the achiever wants activity and control
I have also work out my own names for each personality style. The choleric is the achiever, extroverted and optimistic. The choleric is happy with control and activity. Their theme song could well be the Frank Sinatra song ‘I did it My Way’. They do have a tendency to think they have all the answers and in their eyes they are always right. It just as well it is estimate only three percent of the population are choleric.

Sanguine the talker wants to have fun
The sanguine person’s main objective in life is to have fun. The Cindy Lauper some ‘Girls just want to have Fun’ could be translated into ‘Sangs just want to have Fun’. To me the sanguine is the talker, extroverted and optimistic. It has been estimated twelve percent of the population are sanguine.

Belgian Art Nouveau architect Victor Horta believed homes should be portrait houses design should not merely reflect the owner’s life-style but be his portrait

The deep thinking melancholy wants perfection
Unfortunately the melancholy person wants to achieve perfection. They want to be perfect, they want everyone else to be perfect and they want the world to be perfect. With this motivating force no wonder they can feel depressed in this imperfect world. If they had a theme song I think it would be ‘Blue Moon’. The words of the song ‘blue moon you saw me standing alone...’ could well describe the melancholy person. They like to spend time alone. It has been said the melancholy takes a long time to find a partner because they are looking for someone perfect.  They are estimated to make up seventeen percent of the population.    

The easy going phlegmatic wants peace
The easy going phlegmatic wants peace. They too can be introverted and pessimistic. If they had a theme song it could well be ‘Lazy Sunday Afternoon’. The song continues ‘got no time to worry.. .’ They would like to live a relaxed life with no worries. About sixty eight percent of the population are estimated to be phlegmatic.    

I could go on discussing this fascinating topic. I had planned to finish the discussion today. However it I think it is better to continue the discussion in the next blog

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Designers helping the phlegmatic to make decisions will bring success

A person with a phlegmatic temperament hates conflict and confrontation. They tend to be motivated by loving approval. They prefer to work in a team. It is bliss to the phlegmatic ear to hear we can do this together. Not you do this and you do that.

Some phlegmatic traits
• Easy going
• Relaxed
• Faithful
• Reliable
• Find it difficult to take initiative
• Relate well to others

Australians have a saying which would suit the phlegmatic person very well. The saying ‘She’ll be right mate’. They are happy to take instructions. They prefer not to be in charge. It has been estimated by some personality theorist about 68% of the population have a dominance of phlegmatic traits.

Some keys to recognising phlegmatic at first glance
Moves slowly
• Friendly
• Good listener
• They lean against things
• Tend to be watchers
• Appear relaxed

Phlegmatic people are inoffensive. They can be lazy and avoid responsibility. But can be faithful reliable workers. Family are very important to them. The will put family before work every time.

Working with someone with phlegmatic traits
Be caring
• Take time
• Move slowly
• Create a peaceful atmosphere
• Guide them gently toward decisions
• Be friendly
• Show interest in their family
• Work with them
• Explain things carefully
• Be reassuring
• Gentle

Phlegmatic and choleric are opposites
Phlegmatic traits are often combined with either sanguine or melancholy traits. Phlegmatic people with sanguine traits can be more outgoing. Phlegmatic people with melancholy traits can be detailed and perfectionist.

Phlegmatic can have secondary sanguine traits
The phlegmatic person can find the sanguine too much. They dislike all the action, talking and loud laughing. They often dislike the bossy choleric approach to live. Choleric personalities want the phlegmatic to get moving and hurry up.

Phlegmatic can have secondary melancholy traits
The melancholy person wants the phlegmatic and sanguine to take more care, be more detailed. The phlegmatic person with secondary sanguine traits wants the melancholy person to have some fun and stop being so serious. People are more important than tasks in their eyes. Tasks and getting the task done perfectly are more important to the melancholy person.

The easy going phlegmatic wonders what all the activities of the sanguine and choleric achieve. Why can’t they take it easy? It will all workout in the end what’s the worry. And as for those melancholy guys why does everything have to be perfect. There is no such thing as perfection so why try, just relax, be happy.

I have found it really pays to have an understanding of the personality styles. The knowledge can help us to understand ourselves and others. I see them as a guide to help me get along with other people.

Not only Plato suggested we should “Know thyself”

Myer Briggs has one of the most respected profiling methods if you go to the website you can read a more detailed account of their theories.

In the next blog I will review and finish the discussion on personalities

Monday, January 25, 2010

Designers take time with those with a melancholic mind

The gentle sensitive person with melancholy traits can be genius prone. Many great artists have been people with a melancholy temperament. The troubled artist Vincent Van Gogh is an example of a person with melancholy traits.  

They have perfectionist tendencies. If you want something done perfectly; just call on the person with melancholy traits. They are very task orientated, take in every detail and aim for accuracy. The melancholic type person tends to be orderly organised and able to find creative solutions.

Some melancholy traits:
·         Detailed
·         Organised
·         Creative
·         Perfectionists
·         Careful
·         Cautious
·         Competent

The melancholy person tends to be more interested in getting the job done that wasting time talking. Being deep thinkers they take their time before making decisions. However they can take so long to think things through they can find it hard to come to a decision or finish a job.

Some keys to recognising melancholy at first glance
·         Serious
·         Often appear shy
·         Can listen without looking at the person speaking
·         Can have a far away look
·         Usually dress in understated way
·         Speaks quietly 

Treat the gentle, easily offended melancholy person with care. They hate to think someone maybe laughing at them. They do not like confusion or noise. They usually hate trivial pursuits and do not like to jollied along.

Working with someone with melancholy traits
·         Be accurate
·         Be detailed
·         Take time
·         Be honest
·         Have a quiet air
·         Explain things clearly
·         Be prepared for questions
·         Conduct interviews with this client in a private place
·         Make sure you will not be interrupted
·         Give detail reasons for your selections
·         Be reassuring
·         Gentle
·         They like graphs and schedules

It can take time to earn the trust of a person with a melancholy personality. They can be suspicious and negative. They tend to sit back and view the world. They don’t smile a lot so it is often difficult to know when they are happy or pleased with your suggestions. They tend to see all the problems in situations. They want every ‘i’ dotted and every ‘t’ crossed.

Melancholy people and sanguine are opposites
The melancholy person can think the sanguine is too noisy, laughs too much and is reckless. The sanguine can be impatient with the melancholy person because they take so long to make a decision. They also don’t laugh enough. They are just too serious and in the opinion of the sanguine need to lighten up. This insensitivity can be very hurtful to the melancholy person.

Melancholy can have secondary choleric traits
A melancholy person with some choleric traits can be strong willed and decisive. The melancholy person with some phlegmatic traits can be stubborn and may need help making decisions.

Melancholy people can have phlegmatic traits
As I said at the beginning of the discussion on personality styles this is a very simplified outline of a complex subject. I have found it helpful to have a least some understanding of the subject. I don’t always consciously analyse everyone I meet. However I have used my understanding of the personality styles to help me when I find things are not going to well.

Hair dresser with choleric flare
Last week I went to have my hair cut. I have been going to the same hairdresser for years. I know the owner of the salon. My hair dresser and the owner are friendly easy going phlegmatic people. During this visit the owner was having a day off. A new hairdresser very promptly left her client and asked me abruptly did I have an appointment. I wasn’t too happy with her attitude. She made no eye contact and did not smile. 

With my back up and feeling annoyed I sat down to wait and watched this new lady. I realised she had a lot of choleric traits. As she was cutting her client’s hair she moved quickly. At the same time she would look around her keeping an eye on the reception desk and was always the first one to answer the telephone. I realised she was not intending to be rude she was just being her task orientated efficient self. So I let her off the hook. Just

It was interesting to observe the different atmosphere created by a strong personality. I had always been welcomed at the salon in the past and enjoyed the friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Every personality type has both negative and positive traits. I have many sanguine traits and have worked on overcoming my many negative traits. I am still trying I have found it is an ongoing challenge; a life time job. But I am enjoying the journey.

What colour?
Oh I nearly forgot and I am sure you just can't wait to know if the melancholy person was a colour what colour would they be? Blue of course. 

Next time the laidback easy going phlegmatic personality will be under the microscope.      

Friday, January 22, 2010

Designers if you give choleric’s the lead your sale will succeed.

In this blog I will outline what this means for the designer trying to sell design ideas to a person with choleric tendencies. One theory on the personality styles estimates that about 3% of the population are choleric. When you consider choleric’s are born leaders it is just as well they only make up 3%.

Most great leaders have been people with dominant choleric traits. When working with people with choleric characteristics the important thing to know is they like control. They are born leaders and dislike being told what to do.

Some choleric traits:
Born leaders
• Like control
• Have strong personalities
• Decisive
• Know what they want
• Can be bossy
• Organised
• Practical
• Productive
• Visionary

A person with a dominance of choleric traits is like the sanguine outgoing and optimistic. They are also very decisive and can make decisions quickly. They are the sort of people who get things done. Being direct and independent they are well organized and simulate activity.

As great leaders they can be productive, resolute, practical and visionary. They tend to move quickly and look like they are in charge. When this sort of person walks into a room everyone usually sits up and takes notice. The choleric person can do many things at the same time they have an abundance of energy. They can actually exhaust everyone else. They tend to thrive on activity and do not like to stay still for long.

Some keys to recognising choleric at first glance
Move quickly
• Will take the lead
• Direct
• Talk quickly
• Have strong hand shake
• Look you straight in the eye

With their strong personalities they can boss everyone around. They appear to have a bundle of confidence. They are the sort of people who want things done yesterday. Designers working with these sorts of characters will find they like to control projects and they are very clear about what they want. They don’t like fuss or as they sometimes say ‘This lovey dovey stuff’.

Working with someone with choleric traits
Be professional
• Be prepared
• Let them talk
• Be honest
• Have a confident air
• Show no fear
• Be concise
• Make short clear statements
• Give outlines not details
• Use images
• Pay attention
• They do not suffer fools gladly

Yesterday I mentioned how I had worked out a colour for the four main personality types. If a person with choleric traits was a colour. It would be my guess they would be red. Red demands attention and promotes activity. Just like the choleric person. I read somewhere studies were carried out in a staff room. When staff room walls were painted red the staff did not stay in the room very long. Thus making it an ideal colour for staff the room as it encouraged people to quickly return to work.

Choleric and sanguine traits are often combined

People with choleric traits can have secondary traits of the sanguine or melancholy personality. They are very unlikely to have phlegmatic traits. Choleric and phlegmatic people are often opposites. If a person has choleric and sanguine traits, they can be entertaining and charming. The choleric person who has melancholy traits can be detailed and careful.

Choleric and melancholy traits are often combined 

I have found people with strong choleric traits resist these sorts of personality theories. They tend to be the most sceptical of the personality types and followed secondly by the melancholy type of person. Sanguine people tend to embrace anything new and novel. Phlegmatic types can be very easy going and laid back about most things.

Choleric and phlegmatic are opposites 

Over the years I have read about, studied and used a number of different personality theories. One is the DISC system I was introduced to in the 1990’s. The DISC Personality Profiles indicate all people share four styles in varying degrees of intensity. The acronym DISC stands for the four personality styles represented by the letters. D is for Drive or choleric. I is for Influence or the sanguine. S is for Steadiness or phlegmatic. C is for Compliance or the melancholy. If you would like to find out more about this system you can visit the disc website at where you will find loads of information and a free DISC personality test.

In the next blog I will look at the sensitive melancholy personality

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Designers service with a smile wins the sanguine every time.

There is no right or wrong personality style
Over the years I have used my understanding of the personality styles to help me relate to others. There is no right or wrong personality. Most people have a mix of traits but usually have a dominant style. I should explain when I use the terms traits, style and types I mean the same thing. The different theories on personality use the different terms.

I would just like to mention I use this understanding of personalities as a guide. What I discuss here is a very simplified version of a very complex subject. People are a wonderful mix and have many individual traits making them unique. However one wise man I know said ‘Most of us are like the rest of us’. We do have some similarities.

Most people have a mix of traits but a dominant style

After my initial introduction to the subject of personality styles at the Non Manipulative Selling course I kept tripping over this subject. My husband’s company introduced the subject at manager’s meetings using different terms. It seemed like every year a new slant on the topic was revealed to me.

We my husband and I became involved with success motivation during this period. One of the most valuable things we did was to do the personality style workshops. Suddenly we understood some things about each other. Although I was most upset to find my most dominant traits were those of a sanguine. I keep telling him oh no I am a sanguine. All I could see was a sanguine could be flighty and lightweight. I didn’t want to be a lightweight. I wanted to be seen as wise and deep thinking. You may be happy to know I came to a place of acceptance and I am happy with being a fun loving Irish women.

What understanding of the styles did for us
My husband understood for the first time why I talked my thoughts and ideas out. I tend to think talk. He tends to think about things carefully and say little. I tend to be optimistic full of bright ideas which would nearly give my husband a heart attack. He tends to see all the pot holds toward any goal. We actually complement each other and understanding has brought appreciation of our strengths and weakness.

A person with a dominance of sanguine traits tends to be an extrovert (outgoing) and is usually an optimist. They like to talk, laugh a lot and love things to be fun. They enjoy being with people and they are often the life of the party. They are happy go lucky sort of people.

Some Sanguine Traits
Fun loving
• Talkative
• Warm
• Friendly
• Like to laugh
• Persuasive
• Disorganised
• Forgetful
• Happy go lucky
• Life of party

There are a few clues to help you decide if a client is a sanguine. Firstly they smile a lot, wide smiles and bright eyes. They tend to use open body language, will be the first to reach out to shake hands and make eye contact. They can be charming and friendly.

They like relationships and encounters to be fun. They can be easily distracted. When working with sanguine people they like you to have a light, breezy and fun attitude. They can be disorganised and forgetful. So it pays to give them brief outlines to hold their attention and write things down so they can remember what was discussed.

Some keys to recognising sanguine at first glance
Wide smile
• Open body language
• Bright eyes
• Will talk first
• Reach out for handshake first

When you have a client who has a sanguine type personality they like to talk, so let them talk. But you can still guide the conversation to find out what you need to know. They enjoy jokes and don’t like to be too serious. They dislike routine, dull tasks, details and criticism. They like to be the centre of attention they do not like to be ignored.

Working with someone with sanguine traits
Let them talk
• Guide the conversation gently
• Smile
• Make eye contact
• Give outlines not details
• Use images

A few years ago I was doing some workshops on interior decorating and personality types. I had come to the conclusion different interior design styles would suit different personality types. I asked myself the question. If each of the four main personality types was a colour what colour would they be? I worked out what I thought. For example the sanguine would be yellow. Oh I also found a song for each personality type. The colours and the songs I sang also helped the participants of the workshops to remember the different groups of people and what they were like.

‘Colour is the place where our brains and the universe meet’ Paul Klee

Workshops on personalities and interior design

During the workshops I conducted some little experiments. I explained the theories of the personality traits and the participants undertook some questionnaires to work out the personality style they could be. Then I discussed the principles and elements of design. I followed this by discussing how to use the principles and elements.

What colour are you?
t the end of the workshop I did a quick quiz. The participants were asked the same question I asked myself. If each of the four personality types were a colour what colour would they be? I was amazed how many times there was agreement within the group.

Now I have studied research principles at university so I know my little theory can not been proved to be true. A lot of research would need to be carried out and the theory tested. Last year I did attend a workshop on colour were the speaker had a similar theory. But that’s another story for another time.

Some other names used for the sanguine personality
·         Expressive
·         Artisan
·         Sensing
·         Intuitive
·         Influencing

Next blog the Choleric will be on the line

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to sell design with personality in mind

Do designers need sales skills? 
Designers do need to have great selling skills.  I first studied selling skills in the 80’s when I was a kitchen designer. The first course I ever did on selling skills was called Non Manipulative Selling. This sort of approach I found to be to my liking.

Over the next few blogs I intend to discuss the fascinating subject of sales and personality. To do this I feel it is important to outline my understanding of personality types and the impact I think this has on sales techniques. In this blog I will introduce you to the personality types. 

Non Manipulative Selling
The non manipulative selling method I found suited my philosophy. I hate pushy sales techniques. Having an understanding of people was the basis of this method of selling. Before I moved into interior design I studied art. I still love to paint. While studying art I came to the decision to keep art as a hobby and find another occupation which involved working with people as well as providing an outlet for my creative energy. I am a people sort of person one of the reasons I studied psychology and love working with people. 

A few years later we bought our first house. I decided to study interior design so I could decorate our new home with professional flare. I fell in love with design did a number of courses and have had a passion for design ever since. 

Many methods of categorising personalities
The first thing to do when meeting a client is to find out what type of person the client is. To achieve this it helps to have an understanding of the different types of personalities. In the Non Manipulative Selling course they divided people into four basic categories. For example one category of people were called socialisers. I can’t remember all the terms they used. However since then I have discovered numerous methods of categorising personality styles. I have studied a number of different methods over the years and have found it a fascinating subject.

It starts with Hippocrates
Most of the theories are based on the theories of Hippocrates. He identified and labelled four basic personality types over 2000 years ago. The four different types he called sanguine, choleric, pphlegmatic and melancholy.

Over the years I have found many methods have developed using the Hippocrates theories. They give the personality traits different labels. Many businesses use the study on personalities to select and train staff. Florence Litterer has written a number of books on the subject including ‘Personality Plus’. If you want some fun go to you will find a quiz on the subject connected to dating. I’m happily married no date for me. But you may find it a fun exercise.

In the next blog I will discuss the sanguine personality.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Interstudio promotes emerging Scandinavian and Australian designers

Sample Board Online Welcomes Interstudio 

Interstudio has an extensive range of contemporary products. They offer solutions for residential and corporate design. They aim to promote emerging Scandinavian and Australian designers. The company has a culture of change and constantly updates their range with new lines, materials and innovative designs. They also provide customised furniture and joinery solutions.

Sample Board Online has a limited number of Interstudio products available in the product library. The tables in the image above were designed By Paul Leroy. His contemporary designs inspired by traditional Scandinavian design. Keith Melbourne a young designer with an engineering background (red Chair below) "Playing with the intersection of simple geometric forms I was able to develop a chair with more complex and sophisticated lines, which is also very comfortable and requires only simple fabrication processes for manufacture".

Many Interstudio products have Good Environmental Choice Australia Ltd (GECA) certification

The Good Environmental Choice Australia Ltd certificate was developed and instituted by the Australian Environmental Labeling Standards. Products are judged against these standards to see if they can be given the ecolable. Manufacturers are encouraged to produce environmentally friendly products. Customers can be alerted to a products eco friendly status by the ecolable certification. More information can be found at the GECA website.

‘Design changes in response to market forces’
Anne Massey